Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Well my sister was approved to get her house, and after a long drawn out inspection she moved in this past weekend. She was super excited, and all of her friends came to contribute in some way. Now my sis has never lived on her own, the only other place she has lived was with her last boyfriend who she was with for about 8-9 years (on & off). Anyway, she has never been the type to be alone, and hated staying by herself. So when it came to staying at her new house alone, well lets just say, that didn't happen. She called her current bf to come stay with her. Now her son & daughter weren't with her when she moved in, and it seems that her son Roman has the same anxiety about staying in a new place. So needless to say he hasn't stayed there overnight yet. Now she moved with nothing to her name but beds, and clothes. Some of her friends pulled through with a few items for her, but she still lacks the essentials. When I received new furniture I gave her my old furniture to have when she finally made it to the top of the waiting list. She was storing it at her dads house, and he eventually got tired of it being there and made her sell it in a garage sale. Then shortly after she found out she would be getting a house in a few months, so one of her friends had purchased new furniture and gave her old stuff to my sis. This was about a month ago, anyway since her dad said she couldn't keep it at the house another one of her friends offered to keep it at her house, free of charge, until she got the go ahead to move in. I guess this "friend" got greedy and decided to sell the furniture to her brother!! And what did my sister do you ask? She did absolutely nothing, and still in fact considers this person a friend. All I have to say is this would NEVER happen to me. I do not let people walk all over me like that. Anyway, we are giving my sister a housewarming party this weekend, and her so called friend better not show up!! I will let you know how that goes after this weekend.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Where's the fire?!

Okay, I know it's been a while and to be honest not a whole lot has happened. Well that's not true, Madison turned 6 last month. Besides that, October was very busy, we had a b-day party every weekend and more than one party per weekend. One weekend we had three, including Madison's. Of course the last weekend was Halloween, a party none the less. Madison was Hannah Montana, and Bailey was the cutest kitty in the whole world. Now we only have to worry about the holidays.........yay! My dad, step-mom, and sister are coming up from San Antonio for Thanksgiving, and this is our first holiday in our new house. I'm excited. Then my mom & her fiance are coming for Christmas. Wow that sounded
weird, I just found out yesterday that they were engaged. My sister (here) finds out tomorrow if she gets the house she applied for with section 8. I hope she gets it, but at the same time I know she wont be there long. She, unfortunately doesn't have the responsibility skills to live on her own, despite the fact that she is 27 years old. That's a whole other blog in and of itself. I will keep you updated though.

Sunday, September 14, 2008
I don't feel like it, but I'm gonna
Well it's Sunday, and I was lazy pretty much the whole day. My hubby is sick, and my girls just played all day in the toy room. I did a little grocery shopping, but couldn't finish because I started to have an asthma attack and didn't have my inhaler on me. I high-tailed it to the checkout and went straight home. Usually once I realize I don't have my inhaler things go down hill pretty quickly, but today I kept it under control. Yay me!!! That was pretty much the highlight of my day, exciting huh? Okay, that's all I got. later taters.......
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Does "almost" count?
Well I started with 20 badge holders to sell, and I sold around 7. Almost half, not too bad I guess, but i thought i would sell more. I still had half a day left on Friday to sell more, but that was shattered when the schools in my area cancelled classes due to flooding. Oh well, i do have good news though. In my last blog I put my myspace page on here for everyone to go look at, well I had a message on there from a lady named Fran who asked me to make two rosaries for her children. Exciting right? Also she is from California, too cool. I was so excited I called a bunch of people, one being my mom, and she asked how is she going to pay. Well that question stopped me cold. All this time putting the page together, taking & posting pictures, making business cards yada, yada, yada.......and not once did I think how someone would pay me. The thought never crossed my mind. Especially how someone from another state would pay me. How could I not think of that? Oh well, I figured it out fairly quickly so we will see how it goes.
In other news: Last week my oldest daughter was sick and stayed home from school. We ran some errands after her doctor appointment and at one of these places they had some of those magnifier glasses, and they also had glasses that just had plain lenses in them, no magnification, or prescription, purely fashion purposes. Anyway Madison asked if she could have some, and I told her no because she didn't have to wear glasses and didn't need them. She said okay and on we went. This was a week ago, well today my youngest was rummaging through Madison's backpack and pulled out these glasses. I recognized them immediately, and called Madison into the kitchen. I asked her where she got them and she said she got them from the store we went to last week. I could not believe she had taken (stolen) them. I sent her to her room, and waited for Mike to get home. When he walked in I told him about the glasses and he proceeded to tell me that he didn't think she knew that taking them was wrong. WHAT?? Are you kidding me, I told him. She isn't stupid, she knew exactly what she was doing. We called her in to talk to her, and he asked her, and sure enough she told him she put them in her pocket when I told her she couldn't have them. I love being right! Well we have been having some problems with her telling the truth lately, so to be honest, I was proud that she told the truth. We have been trying to tell her that she will get in more trouble lying than telling the truth. She ended up losing her TV privileges for the night, and the friend she wanted to have spend the night this weekend now cant, and tomorrow I am taking her to that store and she is going to tell the manager that she stole those glasses and that she is sorry. I hope she learns from this. Okay people, it's late and I am tired, so off to bed I go. Talk to you soon!
In other news: Last week my oldest daughter was sick and stayed home from school. We ran some errands after her doctor appointment and at one of these places they had some of those magnifier glasses, and they also had glasses that just had plain lenses in them, no magnification, or prescription, purely fashion purposes. Anyway Madison asked if she could have some, and I told her no because she didn't have to wear glasses and didn't need them. She said okay and on we went. This was a week ago, well today my youngest was rummaging through Madison's backpack and pulled out these glasses. I recognized them immediately, and called Madison into the kitchen. I asked her where she got them and she said she got them from the store we went to last week. I could not believe she had taken (stolen) them. I sent her to her room, and waited for Mike to get home. When he walked in I told him about the glasses and he proceeded to tell me that he didn't think she knew that taking them was wrong. WHAT?? Are you kidding me, I told him. She isn't stupid, she knew exactly what she was doing. We called her in to talk to her, and he asked her, and sure enough she told him she put them in her pocket when I told her she couldn't have them. I love being right! Well we have been having some problems with her telling the truth lately, so to be honest, I was proud that she told the truth. We have been trying to tell her that she will get in more trouble lying than telling the truth. She ended up losing her TV privileges for the night, and the friend she wanted to have spend the night this weekend now cant, and tomorrow I am taking her to that store and she is going to tell the manager that she stole those glasses and that she is sorry. I hope she learns from this. Okay people, it's late and I am tired, so off to bed I go. Talk to you soon!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
All or nothing
Well today is the first day of my regional meeting. I have 20 badge holders made and ready to sell. I even made a "holder" to display all of them at once. I am a little nervous to tell you the truth. I am afraid they wont sell, then I will be out all the money I spent on making them, not to mention the time I spent. My husband added up all the money I have spent and I can say that I'm not going to make all that money back. It's my fault though. I told people a price before I even bought materials. I know, I know, stupid me, but I can always charge more later, cant I? Oh well lets not jump ahead, again! I have to sell the ones I have before I can start making more! Sheesh! Anyway, I will blog again tonight and let you know what I know.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Long time no see.......

Sorry folks, I haven't been a faithful blogger, please forgive me. I have been working on a new project, and a few other things have kept me busy. First let me say..., my oldest daughter has started kindergarten. I can't believe it. I mean, I knew it was coming, it was inevitable, but that doesn't mean I was READY for it. But in all honesty she did great! And so did her father and I. She wasn't scared, or nervous, she was excited. Which I am grateful for, I don't think I could have handled it if she broke down. But that is her personality, she is very independent and always has been. Even as a baby. Now my youngest will be a different story, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.
Okay, MY PROJECT! I have a job that requires me to wear a name badge w/my picture on it for security purposes. Now these badges, of course, came with clips so it could be attached to your

Saturday, August 9, 2008
I was in the garden of Eden
Well hello, hello! I drove for 7 hours today to pick up my daughter from my dad & step-mother. They took her to Florida with them, and of course while they were there they took her to Disney World. Now I haven't gotten the pictures yet, but I can safely say she had a blast! We met half way in a town called Eden, hence the title of this blog. It took roughly 3 and a 1/2 hours to get there, for 7 hours round trip. I guess it could have been worse.
In other news....well to be honest there isn't other news. This weekend has been fairly non-eventful. Maybe something exciting will happen by the end of tomorrow. I will definitely give all the details if they arise.
In other news....well to be honest there isn't other news. This weekend has been fairly non-eventful. Maybe something exciting will happen by the end of tomorrow. I will definitely give all the details if they arise.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'm Green
Okay, this is my first blog, so bare with me..........here we go.
My name is Amy. I live in Texas with my husband Mike, and my two beautiful girls Madison & Bailey. I met my husband in February 2001 while I lived in Dallas, TX. To be honest I wasn't attracted to him at first. The second time we met it was a more intimate setting and we were able to talk, this is when the attraction started. He is the funniest person I have ever met, and he never ceases to make me laugh even when it's inappropriate, or I'm just plain pissed at him. We found out I was pregnant in March of 2002, and Madison was born in October. We moved to my home town right after she was born. Three years later we found out I was pregnant again, and Bailey was born in December 2005.
I have a GREAT job and a WONDERFUL boss. I work with blind and visually impaired college students. We try to help them to become successful, independent people. Since I work with students, I meet new people every semester which is great. I also like that my kids will have the "experience" of socializing with people who are sometimes considered incapable of doing things for themselves. These, of course, are the thoughts of ignorance. It is much harder to explain to a 4 yr old why someone has a cane or a dog guide than you might think, but the questions that arise from a 4 yr old are priceless, I will talk more about that in future blogs.
I have a small group of friends, but that's fine by me. I have two sisters and a brother, all younger. There is much more to the siblings, but that can be talked about in blogs to come. I, of course, have my mother and father, but I also have a step-mother, and a 1st step-mother, a step-father, and will have another step-father probably before the year is up. Now I know this may be hard to understand right now, but if you stay with my blog you will soon understand everything.
Now you can imagine how blessed my children are to have all of these people in their lives, not because they will be loved extra, but because of the amount of gifts they get on holidays is down right amazing........for them, not us. We are the ones who have to find room for them, and take them out of their Fort Knox boxes with the jaws of life. Now nobody knows this, but we usually put some of the toys "away" and use them as good behavior gifts. Is that horrible? Oh well I don't care if it is or not, we do it for sanity purposes. Trust me!
Speaking of sanity, I need to get ready for bed if I want to be sane tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time to read my new blog. I will see you in a few days.
My name is Amy. I live in Texas with my husband Mike, and my two beautiful girls Madison & Bailey. I met my husband in February 2001 while I lived in Dallas, TX. To be honest I wasn't attracted to him at first. The second time we met it was a more intimate setting and we were able to talk, this is when the attraction started. He is the funniest person I have ever met, and he never ceases to make me laugh even when it's inappropriate, or I'm just plain pissed at him. We found out I was pregnant in March of 2002, and Madison was born in October. We moved to my home town right after she was born. Three years later we found out I was pregnant again, and Bailey was born in December 2005.
I have a GREAT job and a WONDERFUL boss. I work with blind and visually impaired college students. We try to help them to become successful, independent people. Since I work with students, I meet new people every semester which is great. I also like that my kids will have the "experience" of socializing with people who are sometimes considered incapable of doing things for themselves. These, of course, are the thoughts of ignorance. It is much harder to explain to a 4 yr old why someone has a cane or a dog guide than you might think, but the questions that arise from a 4 yr old are priceless, I will talk more about that in future blogs.
I have a small group of friends, but that's fine by me. I have two sisters and a brother, all younger. There is much more to the siblings, but that can be talked about in blogs to come. I, of course, have my mother and father, but I also have a step-mother, and a 1st step-mother, a step-father, and will have another step-father probably before the year is up. Now I know this may be hard to understand right now, but if you stay with my blog you will soon understand everything.
Now you can imagine how blessed my children are to have all of these people in their lives, not because they will be loved extra, but because of the amount of gifts they get on holidays is down right amazing........for them, not us. We are the ones who have to find room for them, and take them out of their Fort Knox boxes with the jaws of life. Now nobody knows this, but we usually put some of the toys "away" and use them as good behavior gifts. Is that horrible? Oh well I don't care if it is or not, we do it for sanity purposes. Trust me!
Speaking of sanity, I need to get ready for bed if I want to be sane tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time to read my new blog. I will see you in a few days.
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